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    Therapeutic Effects of Moist Exposed Burn Ointment (MEBO)

    作者:Rong Xiang Xu 出版社:KARGER 发行日期:In 2004
    Under the direction of qualified BRT with MEBT/MEBO therapists, MEBO has the following therapeutic effects:
    (1)  Variation of pathogenic microorganism and reduction in bacterial toxicity.
    (2)  Effectively killing pain by protecting nerve endings and relaxing pilorum arrectors;
    (3)  Anti-inflammation by the effects of -sitosterol and other ingredients;
    (4)  Made of nutrient food, MEBO may protect cells by increasing the tension in the cell membrane and help dying cells convert into vigorous normal ones.
    (5)  With the co-ordination of BRT with MEBT/MEBO, MEBO develops a physiologically moist environment, favorable to the regeneration and repair of tissue structure. Thus, it is effective for reducing scar formation, enhancing the power of self-repairing of wounds and promoting the regeneration and differentiation of stem cells from residual epithelial tissue, vascular plexus and fibrous tissue in fat layer to regenerate skin.